Thursday, July 20, 2017



When Arman first came to us in 2013, he's so tiny and only spoke Malay. Each time his teacher asked him to repeat after her, he kept quiet. He was not following his teachers' instructions. He was not following his teachers hand gestures during nursery rhymes nor did he responded to any dance steps his teacher performed. He just stood rigidly, unresponsive. 

His teachers continuosly encouraged him and one fine day he uttered in Malay, "Arman tak tau." (Arman doesn't know)

We take this as a positive challege that we could overcome each year. I told my teachers to continuously speak to him in English. As time passes we noticed that he started to repeat after his teachers, able to understand instructions given and able to converse in English with his teacher.

I'm so proud of milestones achieved year after year. From repeating after his teachers, he's able to recognise letters, phonics and picked up reading. Currently he's into contructing words into sentences and able to compose stories about his parents, teachers and friends.  

We wish you all the best, Arman. Hope that you'll continue to ask questions, seek answers, respond positively to your elders and teachers, socialise well with your friends and achive what you've dreamed of.




Thursday, November 13, 2014

Field Trip to Penang (Fort Cornwallis)

By Mimi Say
Our children were so excited. They have been looking forward for this field trip weeks ago. They have relentlessly asked their mums when will their field trip be.
When the day eventually arrives, they were able to arrive at the kindergarten at 7:30 am. Some even arrived earlier than that.
When the bus arrived, they were requested to queue before boarding. They did just that!
More eagerness sets in as soon as they are at Penang Bridge. All eyes surveying the sea on both sides if the bridge. When caught in a mild traffic jam, they sighed,"When will we arrive?" Some questioned, "Why does it take so long?"
But, the moment we arrived at our first stop, their eyes were wide opened. They were so eager to get off the bus, but discipline reigned. They need to alight in an orderly manner.
Our first stop: Fort Cornwallis. We had a breakfast picnic. The children rushed to touch the ancient cannons. Most of them experienced the first time touching the cannons. Some are amazed at the massive size of the cannons.

Do enjoy our Wonderful journey to Penang.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Freedom From the Prison of Prejudice and Hate

By Mimi Say

On this Independence Day, we free our minds from Prejudice against people of other races. We free our minds from judging people not from our group. We cut the leash that bound out emotions that dislike those that don't 'belong' to our group.

We are prisoners. We are in the prison of our judgemental tendency. We only see the faults of others and the greatness of 'our' people. Do we want to live in a land where people distrust each other, do not like each other, do not understand each other or do not tolerate each other?

Malaysia is a beautiful country. She has diversified people and cultures. She is endowed with bountiful and beautiful resources. She does not have natural disastrous calamities.

She used to have people of various races interact with each other harmoniously. Now she has more people who deal with each other suspiciously. Where has the 'beautiful' her gone?

I try to bring up my children of various colours into one heart. The heart that beats into one rhythm. The rhythm of love and harmony. In the ears of young innocent children, they only hear the melody and rhythm of love. In their eyes, they only see the colours of beautiful rainbow that are woven into an extraordinary arch.

I bring children of various races together. They learn together. They eat and play together. They have fun together. Please allow them to grow together. Release them from the prison of hateful mind towards people from other races. Let them make friends. Allow them to have fun together.

Hopefully they will grow up to be humane people. Hopefully they will grow up in the garden of love. Hopefully they will cherish friends from other races. Hence I do not take the celebration of Malaysia Independence Day lightly.

On this day, children interact harmoniously with each other. They sing, play, eat, laugh, interact and colour together. They have FUN together. I plant the seed of racial harmony in them. Hopefully the seed of harmonious living will continue to grow and the flower of love among various races will bloom beautifully in the future.

Hope you enjoy the scenes of how we celebrate Malaysia's 57th Merdeka (Independence Day).

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Storytelling by Preschoolers

By Mimi Say

     Our young children loves stories. They love listening to stories. At times, they love to 'retell' stories. I can hear stories about their friends, pets, siblings, teachers or even homes.
     Stories for the competition are given one month ahead. Amazingly some can memorise the stories in a few days and others in less than a week.
     There are some who have a hard time time to read and to memorise the stories. We never gave up on them. We continuously support and motivate them. Parents are roped in to help the children at home.
     Thank god some of them are able to perform on stage as opportunities are given until the eve of the competition. The list of competitiors is only finalised on the eve.  Hence the pile of last minute confirmation of candidates falls on me.
     I do not mind the last minute work load as long as each child who has put in a lot of effort be given the opportunity to perform on stage. Salute to all children who have tried their very own best! A heartfelt thank you is to be extended to each teacher who has put in as much effort to train the children.
     It is observed that parents who care about their children put in as much effort as the teachers and children. Children feel proud when they are called on stage. They really want to show how much they have mastered to impress the love of their lives: Parents.
     Words of encouragement are crucial here. Simple words of encouragement like "Good job!", "Yesss!!!", "I like it!", or "Your need to be louder." motivates them to perform better.
     I really do enjoy every moment the children tried their very best on stage. The energy they exuberate is boundless. This positive energy can be easily transfered onto me. I appreciate all the effort that they have put in. They really do enjoy the competition day too.
    Having FUN in what they do gives me deep gratification.
    Have fun enjoying the moment that the children are proud of.

Chinese Storytelling

By Mimi Say

     Wonderful Years is a well-established kindergarten for providing English as a second language for preschoolers. Many parents are not aware that we do train children for Chinese Primary schools as well. Almost all of our Chinese children attend the Chinese Primary Schools. Most of them performed very well.

     Our 6-year-olds are given choices to perform their stories either in English, Chinese or Malay. Here are some Chinese stories performed by our children.


By Mimi Say

     This year we embark on an unchartered territory - poem recitation by 4-year-olds. i noticed the 4-year-olds are more articulate and some have more confidence than others. My intention are to further enhance this positive emotional feeling and to boost it for those who lack of it. Surpisingly some showed marvelous results and for other they gain self confidence. I hope to continue this event for the 4-year-olds next year. Do enjoy some of the performances of our young ones.