Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tips for Smart Snacking

So how do you turn preschoolers into smart snackers? 

  • Keep healthy snacks in your refrigerator or pantry. Let kids choose their own snacks from among a couple of nutritious options. 
  • Offer a variety of snacks, not just the ones kids already likes. Offer new choices, but don't give up on foods that may have been rejected in the past. It may take several tries before a child accepts a new food. 
  • Have a schedule for meals and snacks. This lets kids manage their hunger and learn that it's OK to skip a meal or snack because there will be another chance to eat at the next scheduled time. 
  • Don't let kids eat in front of the TV. Serve snacks and meals at the table. 
  • Keep mostly healthy foods in the house, with those high in calories, fat, and added sugar kept to a minimum. This doesn't mean kids can never have these foods, but they should be offered only once in a while. 
  • Serve skim or low-fat milk or water with snacks instead of sugary drinks and soda. Limit 100% juice to one serving per day. 
  • Make your preschooler a part of the action! Kids this age feel important when adults let them help out. Let them do what they safely can to prepare their own snacks — whether that's tossing the fruit salad or putting utensils and napkins on the table. 
  • Keep an eye on how your child's moods affect eating patterns. Preschoolers often confuse boredom or fatigue with hunger. If your child just ate and is complaining of hunger again, see if a change of scenery or some active play could do the trick. 
  • Share a healthy snack with your kids, who will follow your lead and get the message that you're serving something good.

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